Blood Of The Highborne Download Torrent Pdf

Posted by3 years ago

TL;DR: This list is first and foremost a book (+ other media) reading order, and secondly a chronological lore-based order, such as this one, and it should be treated accordingly. This is not the book release date order.

Your Download is ready. Click on the Download button. To start downloading instantly. Da Archive 2016 Amended Jan 3 2017 This is a compilation of most of the pdf share threads and the rpg generals threads from 2016. Don't think of it as a library index, think of it. Use different search engines for finding PDFs or other books to download. Best results using these:

Hello, fellow redditors. I recently found myself interested in catching up with the WoW lore, hyped by the announcement of Legion, and where better to start than reading all the books. So here's my reading order of all the novels, comics and short stories in the Warcraft universe (just follow it from top to bottom; enjoy).

Also, check out the Infographic version of this list (not up to date).

  • Warcraft: Bonds of Brotherhood (Manga, Trailer)

  • Warcraft: Durotan: The Official Movie Prequel (Novel)

  • Warcraft Official Movie Novelization (Novel)

  • <Warcraft> (Movie, Cinematic)

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  • World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1 (Illustrated Novel) [Introduction to Azeroth] (Intro Video)

  • War of the Ancients Trilogy (Novels, Post-Third War) [time travel is involved]

  • World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2 (Illustrated Novel)

  • A Warrior Made Part 1 (Manga, found in Warcraft: Legends volume 4)

  • A Warrior Made Part 2 (Manga, found in Warcraft: Legends volume 5)

  • Rise of the Horde (Novel, Pre-First War)

  • Family Values (Manga, found in Warcraft: Legends volume 2)

  • Unbroken (SS, Pre-First War)

  • The First Guardian (Manga, found in Warcraft: Legends volume 5)

  • The Last Guardian (Novel, First War/WC1)

Warcraft: Orcs & Humans (Story)
  • Tides of Darkness (Novel, Second War/WC2)

Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal (Story)
  • Beyond the Dark Portal (Novel, WC2)

  • Day of the Dragon (Novel, Post-Second War)

  • Road to Damnation (SS, Post-Second War)

  • Lord of the Clans (Novel, Post-Second War)

  • Of Blood and Honor (Novel, Post-Second War)

Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Story)
  • Arthas: Rise of the Lich King (Novel, WC3/Third War)

  • A Cleansing Fire (Manga, found in Warcraft: Legends volume 5)

  • Death Knight (Manga, Third War)

  • Vol'jin: The Judgment (SS, Third War)

  • Sunwell Trilogy (Manga, Post-Third War)

  • Fallen (Manga, found in Warcraft: Legends volume 1)

  • Fear (Manga, found in Warcraft: Legends volume 2)

  • Fiend (Manga, found in Warcraft: Legends volume 3)

  • Fate (Manga, found in Warcraft: Legends volume 4)

  • Cycle of Hatred (Novel, Pre-Vanilla)

World of Warcraft (Story, Cinematic)
  • Assault on Blackwing Lair (Patch 1.6, Story, Video)

  • Rise of the Blood God (Patch 1.7, Story, Video)

  • The Gates of Ahn'Qiraj (Patch 1.9, Story, Video)

  • The War Effort (SS, Vanilla) [Link]

  • War of the Shifting Sands (SS)

  • The Thrill of the Hunt (Manga, found in Warcraft: Legends volume 3, Vanilla)

  • Bloodsail Buccaneer (Manga, found in Warcraft: Legends volume 4, Vanilla)

  • How to Win Friends (Manga, found in Warcraft: Legends volume 1, Vanilla)

  • Miles to Go (Manga, found in Warcraft: Legends volume 2, Vanilla)

  • An Honest Trade (Manga, found in Warcraft: Legends volume 1, Vanilla)

  • Warrior: Divided (Manga, found in Warcraft: Legends volume 2, Vanilla)

  • Warrior: United (Manga, found in Warcraft: Legends volume 5, Vanilla)

  • Ashbringer (Comic, Third War & Vanilla)

  • Shadow of the Necropolis (Patch 1.11, Story, Video)

  • A Thousand Years of War (Audio drama, Post-Second War -> TBC)

  • Illidan (Novel, TBC)

  • The Black Temple (Patch 2.1, Story, Video)

  • Blood of the Highborne (Novella, TBC)

  • Shadow Wing Trilogy (Manga, TBC) [Composed of only two volumes because reasons]

  • Night of the Dragon (Novel)

  • The Journey (Manga, found in Warcraft: Legends volume 1, TBC)

  • Crusader's Blood (Manga, found in Warcraft: Legends volume 3, TBC)

  • I Got What Yule Need (Manga, found in Warcraft: Legends volume 3, TBC)

  • Blood Runs Thicker (Manga, found in Warcraft: Legends volume 4, TBC)

  • The Gods of Zul'Aman (Patch 2.3, Story, Video)

  • Fury of the Sunwell (Patch 2.4, Story, Video)

  • World of Warcraft: The Comic (Comic, The Burning Crusade & Pre-WotLK)

  • Lor'themar Theron: In the Shadow of the Sun (SS, Pre-WotLK)

Wrath of the Lich King (Story, Cinematic)
  • Secrets of Ulduar (Patch 3.1, Story, Video)

  • Call of the Crusade (Patch 3.2, Story, Video)

  • Mage (Manga, WotLK)

  • Glory (SS, WotLK)

  • Garrosh Hellscream: Heart of War (SS, Post-TBC, WotLK)

  • World of Warcraft: The Comic Special Issue 1: Beginnings and Ends (Comic)

  • Fall of the Lich King (Patch 3.3, Story, Video)

  • Sylvanas Windrunner: Edge of Night (SS. Immediately Post-WotLK)

  • Nightmares (Manga, found in Warcraft: Legends volume 5, Post-WotLK)

  • Stormrage (Novel, Pre-Cataclysm, Post-WotLK)

  • Shaman (Manga, Pre-Cataclysm, Post-WotLK)

  • The Shattering (Novel, Pre-Cataclysm, Post-WotLK)

  • Rise of the Zandalari (Patch 4.1, Story, Video)

  • Gelbin Mekkatorque: Cut Short (SS, Post-WotLK)

  • Dark Riders (Manga)

  • The Council of Three Hammers: Fire and Iron (SS, Cataclysm)

  • Tyrande & Malfurion: Seeds of Faith (SS, Cataclysm)

  • Rage of the Firelands (Patch 4.2, Story, Video)

  • Curse of the Worgen (Comic, Cataclysm)

  • Bloodsworn (Comic, Cataclysm)

  • Gallywix: Trade Secrets of a Trade Prince (SS, Cataclysm)

  • Baine Bloodhoof: As Our Fathers Before Us (SS, Cataclysm)

  • Genn Greymane: Lord of his Pack (SS, Cataclysm)

  • Wolfheart (Novel, Cataclysm)

  • Velen: Prophet's Lesson (SS, Cataclysm)

  • Varian Wrynn: Blood of Our Fathers (SS, Cataclysm)

  • Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects (Novel, Cataclysm)

  • Charge of the Aspects (SS, Cataclysm)

  • Hour of Twilight (Patch 4.3, Story, Video)

  • Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War (Novel, Pre-MoP, Post-Cataclysm)

  • Dawn of the Aspects (eBook Novels, MoP/Pre-History)

  • Pearl of Pandaria (Comic, Post-WotLK, Pre-Cataclysm)

  • Quest for Pandaria (SS series, Pre-MoP, Post-Cataclysm)

Mists of Pandaria (Story, Cinematic)
  • The Burdens of Shaohao (Video series, Mists of Pandaria)

  • Li Li’s Travel Journal (SS series, MoP)

  • Death From Above (SS, MoP)

  • Landfall (Patch 5.1, Story, Video)

  • Bleeding Sun (SS, MoP)

  • The Trial of the Red Blossoms (SS, MoP)

  • Vol'jin: Shadow of the Horde (Novel, MoP)

  • The Thunder King (Patch 5.2, Story, Video)

  • The Blank Scroll (SS, MoP)

  • The Strength of Steel (SS, MoP)

  • The Jade Hunters (SS, MoP)

  • Over Water (SS, MoP)

  • Escalation (Patch 5.3, Story)

  • The Untamed Valley (SS, MoP)

  • Siege of Orgrimmar (Patch 5.4, Story, Video)

  • War Crimes (Novel, Pre-WoD)

  • Hellscream (SS, Pre-WoD)

  • Gul'dan and the Stranger (Comic, Pre-WoD)

  • Lords of War (Video series, WoD)

  • Blood and Thunder (Comic, WoD)

  • Blackhand (Comic, WoD)

  • Code of Rule (SS, WoD)

  • Apocrypha (SS, WoD)

  • Fury of Hellfire (Patch 6.2, Story, Video)

  • Warlords of Draenor: The Story So Far… (Video)

Blood Of The Highborne Download Torrent Pdf Files

  • Magni: Fault Lines (Comic, Pre-Legion) (Motion Book)

  • Dark Mirror (SS, Pre-Legion)

  • The Tomb of Sargeras (Audio drama, Pre-Legion)

  • Harbingers (Video series)

  • Legion Cinematic Trailer (Video)

  • The Broken Shore (In-game event, Video)

Legion (Story)
  • Nightborne: Twilight of Suramar (Comic, Legion) (Motion Book)

  • Highmountain: A Mountain Divided (Comic, Legion) (Motion Book)

  • Anduin: Son of the Wolf (Comic, Legion) (Motion Book)

  • Return to Karazhan (Patch 7.1, Video)

  • Sacrifice (Video)

  • The Tomb of Sargeras (Patch 7.2, Video)

  • The Path to Argus (Video)

  • Shadows of Argus (Patch 7.3, Video)

  • The 'Movieverse' is the alternate Warcraft universe in which the events of the Warcraft movie occur. It's based on the original Warcraft storyline, with minor lore details changed in order for it to appeal to a broader audience.

  • Legends is a series of mangas composed of 5 volumes, each composed of 4 or 5 mangas.

  • The characters in the War of the Ancients trilogy are introduced in Day of the Dragon, so you can read that first, but I strongly suggest following the list, as I myself have done.

  • A detailed list with plots can be found here.


[SS = Short Story]

[Vanilla = Classical World of Warcraft]

[WC1 = Warcraft 1]

[WC2 = Warcraft 2]

[WC3 = Warcraft 3]

[TBC = The Burning Crusade]

[WotLK = Wrath of the Lich King]

[MoP = Mists of Pandaria]

[WoD = Warlords of Draenor]

EDIT 1: Original list author: Uilleam; WoW Forum Post

EDIT 2: Added WoD section, updated WC3/Cata/MoP sections thanks to u/ThatOneGreatGuy

EDIT 3: Added Tides of Darkness, thanks to u/otaku316

EDIT 6: Added Pearl of Pandaria, thanks to u/CptSaltyPete

EDIT 7: Added Blood and Thunder and updated WoD section, thanks to u/Skvakk

EDIT 8: Added Glory, Shadow Wing, Mage, Dark Riders and Charge of the Aspects, thanks to u/PirateToshio

EDIT 9: Added Legends and Bloodsworn

EDIT 10: Added detailed list with plots

EDIT 11: Added Vanilla and TBC

EDIT 12: Added The War Effort and Blood of the Highborne

EDIT 13: Various modifications made to the list; no additions

EDIT 14: Added Blizzard Timeline

EDIT 15: Restructured the list to include expansion cinematics and video series.

EDIT 16: Added the Movieverse.

EDIT 17: Added all important patch stories.


EDIT 18: Added Highmountain: A Mountain Divided (16.July.2016)

EDIT 19: Blizzard has updated the WoW website, and as a result some of the short stories which could previously be found on there are now missing. If anyone needs them, feel free to PM me. I have them in a downloadable archive. Also, check out the new infographic added above. (13.August.2016)

EDIT 20: Added Patch 7.1 (27.December.2016)

EDIT 21: Added Chronicle Volume 2 and Patch 7.2 (16.March.2017)

EDIT 22: Added Dark Mirror (20.April.2017)

EDIT 23: Added Patch 7.3 (26.August.2017)

Blood Of The Highborne Download Torrent Pdf Full

EDIT 24: Added A Thousand Years of War (26.September.2017)

EDIT 25: I have distanced myself from the Warcraft franchise, wherefore I will no longer update this post and/or reply to Warcraft-related PMs. (02.November.2017)

EDIT 26: Improved formatting because of OCD. (25.January.2018)