Ok, now for the weird part. So when (at least on machines I've heard of) the Leap Motion Drivers install, it places them in a folder in Program Files, but doesn't actually install them in SteamVR, where they need to be.
So in the first picture above, you can see a folder named leap, right? Copy that. (your C: drive name will be different, no worries. {Yes, I know, my OS is originally from an Emachine. Derp. It's not on an Emachine anymore}). Then we need to navigate to the drivers folder of SteamVR, where all the plugins for Lighthouse tracking and the Oculus Rift go. When we paste it there, we'll gain controls in SteamVR with our LeapMotion! It's pretty simple, just a strange way to go about it.
Technology Which SteamVR games support leap motion? Hello, I own the vive since the beginning but i never bought the leap motion sensor. Now with the pimax I also want to get the hand motion sensor. But which games are available atm supporting leap motion? You could use it with driver_leap and Virtual Button Box to make a clickable. First,i install the Leap_Motion_Setup_Win_3.1.3,finally i install the alpha8 driver. I try to copy the C: Program Files SteamVR Leap Motion driver/leap folder into the C: Program Files (x86) Steam steamapps common SteamVR drivers folder. But still not showing the controllers in steam. Is i miss any of step to do? OpenVR Driver for Leap Motion. Contribute to cbuchner1/driver_leap development by creating an account on GitHub.
Up in the second picture above you can see an approximate file path to your SteamVR drivers folder (the steam folder is probably just named steam for you, not steamyness. I installed my Steam twice cause the first one glitched and I couldn't name it the same thing twice for some reason.) Go there and paste in the Leap folder you copied before. Now you're ready!

Simply quit out of and restart SteamVR and you should be able to see your hands as HTC Vive controllers when you put on your Rift! Have fun!
If you want to start using your Leap motion controller for Os X this tutorial will guide you how to successfully finish the process. All you need to do so you can install the Leap Motion Controller on your Windows PC is to follow this steps:

Leap Motion Buy
■ Make the download for Windows
Step 3. Plug in the leap motion controller into your pc
■ Remove the plastic from the top of the screen
■ Use the USB cable that is included in the box.
■ Place the Leap motion controller so the bright side of the controller should be facing up and the green light should face you.
■ If you want to start using the leap motion controller move with your hand
How To Uninstall Leap Motion Vive Controller Driver Download
■ After you finish filling up every information the process is finished.