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I have been fighting this for the better part of a week, and still cannot figure it out. Just a heads up, I've tried calling Melco and they never seem to answer.
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I'm trying to get AMAYA OS and other software with Melco installed. Programs such as Design Shop V9, ENS, & Melco Sizer.
On the Windows XP side, everything works fine. We have installed Windows 7 onto the same drive on a different partition and everytime I try to install the Melco software, it tells me that it cannot find the security key. The exact words are 'The Design Shop security key could not be located. Please attach the Design Shop security key.'
If you look at the pictures, you can see that I have the Sentinel software installed and the key is seen. I have tried to install these programs on 64 bit, but to no avail. I currently am trying on 32 bit, but that doesn't seem to help either. Any suggestions?
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