Choose from our roundup of free receipt templates for Excel and Word, including cash receipt, sales receipt, and rental. Download Delivery Receipt Template.
Delivery is an important service in any fast-food chain. It allows customers to order food without visiting the restaurant. At the same time, restaurants profit from the customer’s order including delivery charges. It’s a win-win situation for both owners and customers. With that, any business establishments with delivery service can surely benefit from Order Receipt and delivery receipt.
Delivery receipts are helpful in recording the transactions of the delivery, which are needed in future financial references. To avail our delivery receipt templates, you may visit us on our website. You can freely select and download our sample templates. Download now!
Delivery Receipt Template
Glasses Delivery Receipt Template
Food Delivery

Delivery Confirmation Receipt
What Is Delivery?
Delivery is an act of bringing goods from one person to another. Commonly, delivery occurs between seller and buyer. The buyer purchases certain goods from the seller, while the seller delivers the goods. The fast-food chain delivery service is an example of the seller-buyer relationship. Moreover, business courier services such as FedEx and UPS also operate using delivery. Courier services normally deliver goods of important documents and belongings, however, this service can still be used in business transactions.
What Is Delivery Receipt?

Delivery Receipt Template free. download full
Delivery Receipt is a business document that is given to customers to signify that the goods have been safely received by the customers. Sample Receipts are posted on our website for your reference.
Modes of Delivery
Delivery comes in different modes depending on how the goods are transported to an individual. Here are the following modes.
- Actual Delivery: This delivery physically hands over the goods to the receiver. Also, another person may deliver the goods on behalf of the owner provided that the delivery is personal. An example of this delivery is a meet-up between seller and buyer. The seller must personally hand over the goods to the buyer in order for the business transaction to complete.
- Symbolic Delivery: This delivery cannot personally and physically transfer the goods to the receiver since the goods are too heavy and impractical to be given personally. Nonetheless, a symbol on behalf of the goods is given to the receiver. An example of this delivery is the key’s car in exchange for the actual car.
- Constructive Delivery: This delivery occurs when a third person, on behalf of the seller, temporarily carries the goods. An example of this delivery is a carrier handing the goods to the buyer on behalf of the seller’s position.
Hand Delivery
Car Delivery
Equipment Delivery
Material Delivery
Delivery Mail Receipt
Importance of Receipts
Delivery Receipt Template Free Download For Windows 7
Receipt Form is necessary because this document acknowledges that the buyer receives the product, which concludes the business transaction between the seller and buyer. Furthermore, it’s a way to keep financial records. Receipts are helpful in checking your payments together with the corresponding taxes. Finally, you can still return goods that are defective when you have your receipts. Sales attendants ask for a receipt to verify your purchase of the product. This will also avoid scams from certain individuals. Always keep your receipt for safety purposes.
Delivery Receipt Template Free Download
Should you want to see more of our Receipt Templates, they’re all posted on our website. Visit us now!