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Game of Thrones Pirates Break BitTorrent Swarm Record
With a million downloads on BitTorrent in less than a day, the season premiere of Game of Thrones is breaking records on multiple fronts. Never before has there been a torrent with so many people sharing a file at the same time, more than 160,000 simultaneous peers. Data gathered by TorrentFreak further shows that Australia has the highest piracy rate of the popular download destinations, while London tops the list of pirate cities.
As expected, the new season premiere of Game of Thrones has generated quite a bit of activity on various BitTorrent sites.
Hundreds and thousands of downloaders went out to grab a copy of the show, breaking the record for the largest BitTorrent swarm ever in the process.
A few hours after the first torrent of the show was uploaded the OpenBitTorrent tracker reported that 163,088 people where sharing one single torrent. 110,303 were sharing a complete copy of that particular torrent while 52,786 were still downloading.
These are mind boggling numbers that we’ve never seen before.
Previously the record for the largest BitTorrent swarm belonged to the season premiere of the TV-show “Heroes” with 144,663 peers.
Counting all the different releases it’s estimated that the latest Game of Thrones episode has been downloaded over a million times already. Considering the above there is little doubt that Game of Thrones will once again be crowned the most downloaded TV-show of the year.
So who are these people, and why are they pirating Game of Thrones?
One of the reasons cited for the popularity among pirates is the international delay in airing. Outside the U.S. fans of the show sometimes have to wait a while before they can see the latest episode. HBO is trying to close these release gaps as best it can, but for some fans a few hours is already too much.
Delays are just part of the problem though. The fact that the show is only available to those who pay for an HBO subscription doesn’t help either. This explains why many people from the U.S. prefer to use BitTorrent.
To get an indication of where these Game of Thrones fans can be found we took a closer look at their download locations.
The U.S. comes out on top, followed by the UK and Australia. The number three spot for Australia is impressive and with a population of just over 22 million people it has the highest piracy rate. Looking at other cities we see that most downloads come from London, before Paris and Sydney.

Download Game Of Thrones Free

But according to HBO, piracy isn’t killing the show, quite the contrary.
While HBO would prefer it if everyone paid for Game of Thrones, their programming president Michael Lombardo doesn’t fear piracy. He sees it as a compliment and doesn’t believe it negatively impacts DVD-sales.
It’s a win-win apparently.Download Game Of Thrones Season 7 Kaskus

Peringkat negara dan kota pengunduh terbanyak
1 . United States 12.9% London 4.3%
2 . United Kingdom 11.5% Paris 3.2%
3 . Australia 9.9% Sydney 3.0%
4 . Canada 7.4% Melbourne 3.0%
5 . France 4.4% Amsterdam 2.2%
6 . The Netherlands 4.2% Athens 1.8%
7 . Spain 3.2% Stockholm 1.6%
8 . Sweden 3.0% Madrid 1.6%
9 . Philippines 2.6% Perth 1.5%
10. Norway 2.5% Singapore 1.3%


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Komen TS : menurut ane ada alasannya, seperti yang diungkapkan oleh Timo Vueronsola, direktur film Iron Sky :

Games Of Thrones Season 7 Download

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I’ll Download Game of Thrones from The Pirate Bay, Iron Sky Director Tells HBO
As Game of Thrones smashes download records this week, an extra act of sharing will soon come from a most unusual source. Sick and tired of the poor quality offered by HBO’s official streaming service, the director of movie Iron Sky says he’s going to take retaliatory action. Complaining about their delivery the Finnish director told HBO that their service “sucks” so in future he’ll download the show from The Pirate Bay.
t’s certainly been an eventful few days for smash-hit TV show Game of Thrones.
On Sunday and just before the premiere of the new season, HBO programming president Michael Lombardo went further than almost anyone expected by admitting that piracy does have an upside.
He described massive downloading of the show as “a compliment” and added that it does nothing to damage DVD revenues. A good thing, considering what followed next.
In their own inimitable way, on Monday at least a million file-sharers paid even more compliments to the show by setting a new BitTorrent swarm record.
But just when you thought Game of Thrones news and controversy was coming to an end, another influential industry player has thrown his hat into the ring.
Timo Vuorensola is a Finnish director and actor who recently directed the 2012 Disney movie Iron Sky. Like millions of others, Vuorensola is also a Game of Thrones fan but he’s hugely disappointed with the service being offered by the local arm of HBO.
“Your service sucks. I bought it because I wanted to be able to pay and watch legally some of my favorite TV-series, namely Game of Thrones,” he told the cable and satellite network in an open complaint.
“First, the quality you are claiming to be HD is far from HD; yes, resolution matches, but the picture looks rotten and crappy thanks to bad compression rates. The image snaps off and the buffering sucks on HD so badly that it renders the service practically unusable,” he continues.
HBO have been accused before of promoting piracy by failing to offer their product in a timely fashion in various countries around the world, but Vuorensola is unhappy with everything – timing, quality and price – all of which are driving people to torrents.
“In Finland we have a saying: ‘Pitäkää tunkkinne’. It means: I fucking tried to pay for this, but your service only promotes piracy through rather expensive pricing, shitty image quality — and, well, unfortunately also your programs are unnecessarily late,” he complains.
“[The] latest episode of GOT was already *everywhere* but on HBO Nordic, and I can’t see *any* reason you are putting a one-to-two day window to releasing stuff that’s going to explode on the Internet the moment it’s released,” he accurately adds.
And Vuorensola knows his stuff when it comes to the world of files and sharing. In addition to Iron Sky he’s also the director of two of the Star Wreck movies, a series of eight films available for free download under a Creative Commons license.
“You think fans are going to sit on their asses and wait obediently for when you finally grant your grace and decide to let the stuff float to the backwater countries like Finland and whatnot. I mean we live in 2013, not in 1993, there’s absolutely no motivation for such behavior,” he notes.
In what must be the final insult, Vuorensola tells HBO that while he will continue to grace the company with his money, he will shun their delivery service and begin obtaining Game of Thrones from the most notorious file-sharing site of all.
“So, here’s what I’m going to do: I will continue paying your monthly fee for the service because I support your taste in content, but the actual content I’m unfortunately forced to grab from Pirate Bay, because your service is atrocious,” he concludes.
That’s gotta hurt.