Wwf Wrestlemania Arcade Game Download

The game is regarded as over the top for its use of attacks. While actual wrestling moves are present, matches consist primarily of special strike attacks and insane combos, such as the WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game| ClassicReload.com.


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Wwf Wrestlemania Arcade

  • Developer: Sculptured Software, Inc.
  • Genre: Arcade/Action
  • Originally on: Sega Genesis (1995)
  • Also known as: WWF WrestleMania
  • Runs on PC, Windows
  • Editor Rating:
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The game was for 1 or 2 players, you had a small but good list of super stars like; Doink, Razor Ramon, Bret Hart, Undertaker, Lex Luger, Yokozuna, Bam Bam Bigelo and Shawn Michaels. Each wrestler had unique moves and combination. This wasn't your ordinary wrestling game, it had a fighting game style, because of all the moves like people's hands will turn into weapons or their feet. When you hit a guy hard things will come out of them, like Hart and HBK both have hearts that fly out, Yokozuna has food that comes out. You can go to the top for either the WWF World title or IC. You have a tag team mode as well.

The wrestlers were digitized from the real wrestling counter parts so the guys really were like the real thing. They still were big like arcade and moved just like it. The crowd looked great, instead of like previous wrestling games were everyone looked the same. The announcers Lawler and McMahon who were right next to the ring looked great as well.

The player's music was great, it really sounded like the real themes, and they were all quite close to the arcade. The voices were good too. You can clearly understand what everyone is saying it doesn't get repetitive though. The wrestlers have things they say too. The Sound Fx were arcade quality, from the Doink's buzzer and the smack of getting hit everything was great.

There is no stopping you in WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game, which features 8 fully digitized characters (Yokozuna, Doink, etc. for those of you who want to remember) with their own moves, grapples,etc. and features single player arcade mode, tournament mode, and vs mode for 1 on 1 multiplayer.


Download WWF Wrestlemania Arcade Game

System Requirements

PC compatible, P-200

Systems: Windows 9x, Windows 2000 Windows XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10.

Game features:Single game mode

WWF Wrestlemania Arcade Game Screenshots and Media


Wwf Arcade Games

  • Manufacturer: Acclaim
  • Machine: Nintendo Entertainment System
Wwf wrestlemania arcade game sega genesis download

I'm sure you've seen a professional wrestling match, those spectacles where some of the craziest things happen - and I'm not talking about the wrestling. For the past couple of years, professional wrestling hasn't fared well as a video game in the arcade or on home-computer and video-game systems. And it hasn't been entirely the fault of the software. On the contrary, Absolute Entertainment's versions of pro wrestling for the Atari 2600 and 7800 are well-designed and playable as is Konami's coin-op The Main Event.

The problem lies in the fact that actual pro wrestling is more of a show than a sport. Now, regardless of whether or not you believe pro wrestling is fake, you have to admit that watching the zaniness being played out on the mat is probably more fun than a moving video version of a wrestler on a game screen. With baseball, football or other sports, you dream about taking part in the action as you watch. Pro wrestling, on the other hand, is something to be visually enjoyed - much like a circus stunt show or movie. Few people in the audience want to actually participate.

Acclaim's Wrestlemania is the latest Nintendo pro-wrestling game (and certainly not the last). But it's the first to license the names and wrestling personalities of the famous World Wrestling Federation. You can take on the role of any one of six WWF stars: Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Bam Bam Bigelow, Randy Savage, the Honky Tonk Man or Ted DiBiase. Colorful, digitized pictures of all six of these wrestlers with their stats are provided during character selection. Though the information shown is not pertinent, they are indeed pretty to look at. Most of Wrestlemania, you'll find, is like this - there are lots of nice things to see.

Wwf Wrestlemania Arcade Game Download Free

The object is to pin your opponent (human or computer-controlled) down on the mat for three counts. The winner of the game is the one who wins the most bouts. You select your computer adversary's character, and it can even be your own wrestler. Thus, Hulk Hogan can battle with Hulk Hogan. Both standard and tournament play are offered: standard utilizes the wrestler of your choice while tournament pits you against all the wrestlers. Finally, up to six 'wrestlemaniacs' can play, competing against each other for the coveted WWF belt.

Wwf Wrestlemania Arcade Game Download

The first indication of problems with Wrestlemania is the extreme number of moves that must be memorized in order to play well. Besides the standard drop-kick, body-slam and pinning maneuvers found in many wrestling video games, there are headbutts, elbow smashes, swipes, cartwheels and more. And the controls you press to make your wrestler initiate one move while he's facing his opponent are different when he's facing away. What's more, each of the six wrestlers has his own special maneuvers, meaning there are even more control sequences to memorize. And that's not all; different moves are performed when your wrestler is in a different mode - running or punching. The instruction manual is thick, most of it dedicated to pages and pages of charts listing offensive and defensive moves with their appropriate controls. At times, memorizing formulas in college chemistry textbook seems to be much easier than wrestling with your brain while playing Wrestlemania.

Another thing wrong is the mysterious absence of the fanatical audience. The arena is set in a nebulous, black void, giving the feel of WWF professional wrestling set in The Outer Limits. What's pro wrestling without the hysterical crowds booing at their favorite villains and cheering their hero? Booor-ing. Like a bad sitcom without the laugh tracks, that's what.

I don't want to knock Acclaim's Wrestlemania. In fact, I'll tell you right off that it is the best pro-wrestling game there is on the NES - for now. There are problems, of course, but most of these are because of the many features Acclaim's programmers crammed into the cartridge to make their version of professional wrestling the best. Lots of detail and effort was put into Wrestlemania and it obviously shows. However, all their work might have been futile. It's like translating tic-tac-toe into a video game. No matter how fancy the graphics and music are, it's still plain ol' tic-tac-toe. Wrestlemania is just that - lots of shiny bells and whistles added to an old game we've seen done over and over again to no avail.

Wwf Wrestlemania The Arcade Game Download

Overall rating: 9